
A glossary of common terms that will (eventually) be used in the Warrior Philosophy.

Abortion: The murder of unborn babies. Fiercely defended by feminists. Direct violation of the Non-Aggression Principle.

Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks: See Hypergamy.

Anglosphere: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland plus all Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories, the United States of America plus all Unincorporated Territories, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia and the Realm of New Zealand.

Blank Slate Theory: The scientifically discredited belief that there are no innate, biological differences between men and women. All observable differences are a result of social conditioning, and can be changed through social engineering.

Blue Pill: Euphemism for mainstream ideas discredited by the Manosphere.

Chauvinism: Hatred of the opposite sex. Colloquially used in place of Misogyny.

Claim Right: A right that entails others having an obligation to the rights-holder.

Class Consciousness: A concept from Marxism referring to the beliefs one holds about their class, the structure of their class, and their class interests.

Class Struggle: The tension caused by the differing interests of those in different classes. Marxism holds that class struggle will be the trigger for radical social reform.

Collectivism: A belief that rejects inalienable natural rights, instead that rights are granted by the collective to serve the collective, usually via a nation-state.

Communism: International socialism. A global socialist system without nation-states.

Consequentialism: The belief that the morality of an action is to be judged solely by its consequences.

Conservatism: A political philosophy adverse to change, either opposing altogether or insisting change is gradual and measured.

Critical Theory: A school of thought claiming that ideology is the principle obstacle to human liberation, which could be broken by continuous critique of society and culture. Product of the Frankfurt School

Cultural Marxism: The reinterpretation of Marxist economic theories into a cultural context. Created by the Frankfurt School.

Egoism: An ethical theory that places self-interest as the foundation of morality.

Essentialism: The belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are.

Existentialism: The belief that an individual person is a free and responsible agent, determining their own development through their own will.

Fascism: A collectivist political system with absolute state control of society, production and distribution, creating a monolithic culture around racial or national identity.

Fatalism: The belief that all events are pre-determined, and therefore inevitable.

Feminism: A consequentialist platform of identity politics, focusing on women.

Frankfurt School: The Institute for Social Research at Frankfurt University. Formed to answer the question of why, despite the horrors of the First World War, did only Russia undergo a socialist revolution. Created Cultural Marxism. Closed by the Nazis only to reopen in New York.

Game: A collection of skills, techniques, attitudes and methods that can be learnt and applied by men to seduce women. Created and practised by Pick-Up Artists within the Seduction Community.

Gender: Left-wing propaganda created by homosexual, paedophile-supporting sociologist John Money. The belief that being male or female in a purely social or cultural way, distinct from biology, is in any way a meaningful concept. Wholly discredited by science. Enforced by political correctness and used to promote social engineering and blank slate theory.

Gender Essentialism: Misappropriated. See Sexual Essentialism.

Groupthink: A psychological phenomenon where the desire for consensus and conformity within groups leads to irrational and dysfunctional decision making.

Gynocentrism: The tendency to place the perceptions, needs and desires of women above all others. The female view becomes the default, through which all issues are analysed.

Hedonism: The belief that pleasure, the satisfaction of desire, is the highest good and the meaning of life.

Hypergamy: A woman’s split sexual strategy, seeking both superior genes and provisioning for her offspring. Ideally these will be found in the same man, more commonly though found in two or more men.

Identity Politics: A political philosophy with a sole focus on a particular group identity.

Individualism: The belief that natural rights are an intrinsic part of humanity, and so cannot be given or taken away, only protected.

K-selection: A reproductive strategy favouring heavy investment in few offspring.

Kafkatrap: A logical fallacy where any attempt to defend one’s innocence is used as guilt of a vaguely defined crime.

Leftist: A person holding collectivist political views.

Legal Rights: Rights derived solely from a society’s culture, customs and laws. Legal rights are relative, subject to change and may or may not come with responsibilities. Contrast with Natural Rights.

Liberty Rights: A freedom or permission for a rights-holder to do something, with no obligation on others to do or not do something else.

LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Sometimes written LGBTQ with Q for Queer. A left-wing political activist group and practitioner of identity politics. Promotes a grand theory of pansexuality. See Paedophilia.

Libertarianism: A political platform of individualism, liberty and small government.

Libertinism: The belief that morality is an unnecessary constraint.

Mangina: Male feminist sympathiser. See Useful idiot.

Manosphere: A loose coalition of men’s group seeking social, cultural and political change. Includes PUAs, MRAs, MGTOW and others.

Mansplaining: Dismissing an argument grounded in logic made by a man, purely on account of being male, in favour of an argument by anecdote made by a woman. Common tactic among feminists. A logical fallacy.

Marxism: The collectivist political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels saying that class struggles would lead to revolutionary change to a classless socialist system.

Meatgrinder: Euphemism for the Divorce and Family Court.

Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW): Men who engage in varying levels of abstinence from relationships with women in protest of gynocentrism, feminism and unjust laws.

Men’s Rights Activism (MRA): A consequentialist platform of identity politics, focusing on men.

Misandry: The hatred of men. Deemed to be a conspiracy theory by feminists.

Misogyny: The hatred of women. Generic insult used by feminists against anyone with a differing point of view.

Moral Relativism: The belief that no objective morality exists.

Natural Rights: Rights derived from human nature and cause-and-effect. Natural rights are inalienable, absolute, exist in every individual and come with corresponding responsibilities.

Negative Rights: Permission not to do something, or entitlement to be left alone.

Nice Guy: A man, generally teens to early twenties, with friendly yet unassertive personality traits.

Nice Guy™: Feminist insult. See Nice Guy.

Nihilism: The rejection of religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.

Non-Aggression Principle: The moral position that aggression, the initiation or threat of violence against person or property, is inherently illegitimate. In contrast to nonviolence, this principle does not prohibit self-defence or the defence of others.

Paedophilia: Sexual attraction to the prepubescent. Colloquially used to mean sexual attraction to all those below the age of consent. For the purpose of the arguments laid forth in this blog, either definition can be used.

Pansexuality: Sexual attraction irrespective of sex. The belief that sex bears no influence to sexual attraction. Not to be confused with bisexuality, which is sexual attraction to both sexes. See Paedophilia.

Pick-Up Artist (PUA): A man who learns and practices Game.

Political Correctness: The avoidance of forms of expression or action deemed inconvenient to the political left. Originally a method to promote ideas and concepts that were politically convenient (to the left) but scientifically incorrect. Created by Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School in 1965.

Positive Rights: Permission to do something, or entitlement to be done unto.

Postmodernism: The rejection of all objective values and evidence.

Privilege: The flawed belief, rooted in Marxist class consciousness, that certain classes have inherent advantages over others.

Progressivism: A political philosophy favouring continuous “progress” towards further collectivism.

r-selection: A reproductive strategy favouring minimal investment in a large number of offspring. (r always lower case)

Red Pill: Euphemism for Manosphere theories and concepts.

Relativism: The belief that knowledge, truth and morality exist in relation to culture, society or historical context, and are not absolute.

Reproductive Rights/Choice: Euphemisms for baby killing. See Abortion.

Secret Society (technique): A method for getting people to reveal their secrets by feigning nonjudgementalism. Created by Pick-Up Artist Tyler Durden.

Seduction Community: The online community of Pick-Up Artists, practising, sharing and refining Game. Founded by Ross Jeffries in 1997.

Sexual Essentialism: The scientifically supported view that men and women have innate biological differences.

Social Justice: Euphemism for left-wing political policies.

Social Justice Warrior: Left-wing political activist, predominantly over the Internet. See Useful Idiot.

Socialism: A collectivist political and economic theory of social structure which advocates that the means of production and distribution of wealth should be controlled by the state on behalf of the collective.

Solipsism: The inability of people to be able to comprehend ideas, theories and concepts that don’t directly concern themselves.

Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC): An American leftist think tank.

Statism: A political system where the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Traditionalism: The upholding or maintenance of tradition, especially so as to resist change.

True Believer: See Leftist.

Useful Idiot: A person spewing propaganda for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of. Originally a Russian term, полезные дураки (polezniye duraki). See Mangina, Social Justice Warrior.

White Knight: A man who blindly comes to a woman’s defence, irrespective of the circumstances.

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